Health & Safety
1. Health and safety policy statement
2. Health and safety responsibilities within Curiosity Productions
3. Emergency procedures: Fire safety and evacuation
4. Housekeeping / handling / storage
5. Machinery and equipment / electricity / maintenance
6. Accidents, first aid and work-related ill health
7. Environmental factors and welfare
8. Training, information and notification
9. Pregnant workers
10. Working at heights
1. The Health and Safety Policy Statement of Curiosity Productions
Our statement of general policy is:
• To operate a responsible and caring company and to provide a safe and healthy working environment, both in the Curiosity Productions office and also with projects taking place at other locations. To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities;
• To consult with our employees and freelance workers on matters affecting their health and safety;
• To provide information, instruction and supervision for employees and freelance workers;
• To ensure all employees and freelance workers are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training;
• To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health;
• To review and revise this policy annually.
While Curiosity Productions recognises its own health and safety responsibilities according to the Health and Safety at Work Act, the company also requires the cooperation of all staff, freelance workers, volunteers, visitors and participants in meeting these obligations. Curiosity Productions believes that health and safety is the responsibility of everyone. This policy will be reviewed annually or more frequently if work practices change.
2. Health and safety responsibilities within Curiosity Productions
2.1. Overall responsibility for health and safety within Curiosity Productions is that of the Curiosity Productions Creative Director.
2.2 All employees have to:
· Cooperate with supervisors and managers on health and safety matters;
· Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety;
· Take reasonable care of their own health and safety;
· Report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed in this policy statement).
2.3 Risk assessments are undertaken routinely by the Creative Director and the Assistant Producer.
2.4 The Creative Director is responsible for ensuring the action required is implemented.
2.5 Assessments are reviewed every 12 months or whenever the work activity changes, whichever is the soonest.
2.6 The Employee Representative is the Creative Director, and consultation with employees and freelance workers on general health and safety issues is provided through weekly ‘check in’ staff meetings.
2.7 A copy of this Health and Safety Policy is to be given to each member of staff.
2.8 The Creative Director to meet a Newhampton Arts Centre (NAC) representative annually to review Health and Safety and Emergency Evacuation procedures.
3. Emergency procedures: Fire safety and evacuation at the Curiosity Productions office in Newhampton Arts Centre (NAC)
Please also see NAC's Health and Safety Policy.
3.1 The Chief Executive at NAC is responsible for ensuring the building’s fire risk assessment is undertaken and implemented.
3.2 Escape routes should be checked regularly by NAC staff.
3.3 Fire extinguishers should be maintained and checked by NAC staff. Access to extinguishers shall at no time be restricted.
3.4 Fire/smoke alarms should be tested by NAC staff.
3.5 Emergency evacuation of NAC should be tested regularly by NAC staff. Emergency exit doors shall have signs mounted on or above them and ready access to them shall at no time be restricted.
3.6 Aerosol sprays or other items containing highly combustible substances shall not be stored in the vicinity of heat sources (including sunlight) at any time.
3.7 In the event of, or suspicion of, a fire:
• Call the Fire Brigade before doing anything else.
• Sound the alarm.
• Only tackle the fire if it is safe to do so. Use water extinguisher on paper or wood fires,
CO2 on any fire near to electrical equipment.
• Leave the building by the nearest safe exit and assemble at the meeting point which is
in the car-park or outside the main gates of the building, if the tent is up in the carpark.
• Remain at the meeting place until the Fire Officer has checked that everybody has left
the building.
4. Housekeeping / handling / storage
4.1 The designated Fire Officer for Curiosity Productions is the Creative Director
4.2 For all workshops and events run by Curiosity Productions at any venue all areas shall be inspected for hazards daily; such hazards shall be rectified immediately, as appropriate. Any goods that it is necessary to position temporarily on the floor shall be placed so as not to create a hazard to anyone.
4.3 Electrical leads, telephone cables and other similar tripping hazards shall be routed around fixed equipment so as to prevent injury wherever practicable. Where this is not practicable anti-strip mats, tape or strips shall be used to cover them.
4.4 Passageways, stairs, steps entrances and exits shall be kept free from all obstacles at all times and should not have objects stored in them at any time.
4.5 Spillages should be cleared up immediately.
4.6 Where individuals are required to manually handle loads (particularly during productions) they shall only do so after an assessment has been made so as to conform to the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992*
Where an assessment identifies the need for mechanical aids the task shall not be
attempted without these aids.
4.7 All personnel shall be advised of the necessity to keep the back straight and bend the knees when lifting an object. Whenever an individual feels that a manual handling operation is likely to cause them injury they shall request the assistance of another person.
4.8 Wherever practicable the heaviest objects to be handled shall be stored at waist height in order to facilitate ease of handling and reduce the necessity for lifting from the floor.
4.9 No goods shall be stored on top of cupboards or in other such insecure locations.
5. Machinery and equipment / electricity / maintenance
5.1 When any person doubts the safety of any machinery or equipment they shall bring this to the attention of the Creative Director immediately.
5.2 Only competent persons or supervised persons under training shall operate any equipment or machinery.
5.3 Portable electrical equipment shall be checked yearly by a competent person to ensure safe operation.
5.4 All liquids shall be kept clear of any electrical circuitry or electrically powered hardware.
5.5 The Creative Director is responsible for identifying all equipment needing maintenance and for ensuring effective maintenance procedures are drawn up and implemented (or the Stage Manager during productions).
5.6 All maintenance shall be carried out by competent staff or contractors: this shall be established by management assessment of the contractor prior to work commencing.
6. Accidents, first aid and work-related ill health
6.1 First Aid boxes are held in the Office and at all event spaces.
6.2 The Appointed Person/First Aiders are the Creative Director and Assistant Producer. All staff must be informed of the identity of these individuals. The Appointed Person/First Aiders will attend First Aid at Work/ Paediatric First Aid training every three years.
6.3 The contents of the first aid boxes are checked every 3 months by the Creative Director and where re-supply is necessary new stock will be ordered.
6.4 All accidents and cases of work-related ill health are to be recorded in an Accident Report Form – forms are kept in the Office and with the portable first aid kit.
6.5 The Creative Director is responsible for reporting accidents and dangerous occurrences to the enforcing authority (Health and Safety Executive).
6.6 No medication of any sort shall be provided to any person.
6.7 Any employee or freelance worker identified as suffering from any occupationally related ill health problem is required to make themselves available for a consultation with any medical practitioners that Curiosity Productions may appoint. Within this, Curiosity Productions will make reasonable adjustment to the working environment, for example chair, desk, lighting.
6.8 The risks to users of VDU screens will be reduced to the lowest extent practicable. All VDU screen users will be allowed periodic breaks in their work.
6.9 In the event of any accident that is related to this company’s activities:
• First aid shall be rendered to any injured party.
• Where necessary medical assistance shall be called as soon as possible.
• The responsible person shall investigate the cause of the accident and record the cause, along with recommendations for preventative action, in the Accident Form.
7. Environmental factors and welfare
7.1 Noise shall be maintained at the lowest reasonably practicable level at all times.
7.2 Light levels shall be maintained at levels appropriate to the work being carried out.
7.3 Toilet facilities and a mains water supply shall be made available to all employees and freelance workers at all times, appropriate to their needs.
7.4 Staff are encouraged to store personal property in a safe manner so as to improve tidiness and limit tripping hazards.
7.5 Staff should take refreshment breaks away from electrical or hazardous equipment or materials.
7.6 All waste should be disposed of in a safe and responsible way and should not be permitted to mount up – waste bins and recycling bins should be emptied regularly.
8. Training, information and notification
8.1 All employees and freelance workers will be trained in emergency evacuation procedures.
8.2 All employees and freelance workers will be informed of the identity of the First Aid person.
8.3 When necessary (particularly during productions) employees and freelance workers will be informed of the COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) assessments and the appropriate controls to be put in place when using, handling or storing such substances.
8.4 Employees and freelance workers will be informed of the safe working practices applicable to each machine or piece of equipment they are required to operate (ie technical requirements during productions).
8.5 When necessary (particularly during productions) employees and freelance workers will be trained in the manual handling techniques applicable to their tasks.
8.6 A current copy of the company’s Employer Liability Insurance certificate shall be displayed at all times in the Company Office.
8.7 All reportable accidents shall be notified as required by RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and dangerous Occurrences Regulations). A reportable accident is one that causes more than three days off work. Any hospitalisation needs to be reported to RIDDOR (For further information please refer to*
8.8 An accident record shall be maintained at all times by the First Aider but any person can fill in an accident form.
9. Pregnant workers
9.1 It is the policy of Curiosity Productions to comply with the European Directive on Pregnant Workers. In addition to a general risk assessment, a further assessment of risk to new or expectant mothers will be conducted. Where a risk is identified working conditions and/or working hours will be adjusted to avoid the risk. For further information please refer to:
10. Working at height
10.1 It is the policy of Curiosity Productions to follow the guidelines set out by the Health and Safety Executive. (For further information please refer to Health and safety in the film, theatre and broadcasting industries -
10.2 No lone working at height, at least one team member on the ground securing ladder or steps
10.3 Additional team member to pass up items as needed, who is not responsible for securing ladder or steps
10.4 Place ladder or steps as securely as possible – find locations for rigging at height with as level ground as possible. Secure base of ladders or steps and make them level without
10.5 Place steps or ladder as close to working point as possible – do not overreach when working at height