Birmingham 2022 Festival presents:
Cultures In Common
A Creative City Project generously supported by Birmingham City Council
12pm – 4pm Sunday 17th July 2022
At Selwyn Road Playing Fields, 79 Selwyn Road, B16 0SL
(The Red Shed and Edgbaston Reservoir)
Cultures in Common was a FREE family friendly event celebrating Edgbaston Reservoir. Come along with family and friends to discover stories about the reservoir and the people that live around it.
Cultures in Common worked with 15 groups of local people alongside professional artists to celebrate the reservoir through creativity. This event showcased and shared their artwork, with creative activities to get involved in and a procession at 2pm around part of the reservoir that you can watch or join in with. Food and drink were provided at the Red Shed.
- Create a placard or poem about the reservoir
- Watch traditional Chinese and Slovak dance.
- Help create a model of the reservoir
- Become a roving reporter for The Good News
- Learn about blacksmithing
- Join in with rejigged call and response songs
- Discover what’s happening in the local area and how you could get involved
This project is produced by Curiosity Productions for ERCO, Edgbaston Local Arts Forum and Artscoop. The event is being hosted by Birmingham Settlement with support from Civic Square and the Edgbaston Reservoir Running and Wellbeing Group. It is a Creative City project generously supported by Birmingham City Council as part of the Birmingham 2022 Festival.

Images by Janthra Photography