Arty Party

A group of Arty Party performers are stood on stage waving and smiling.
Blue Cat Cabaret | by Janthra Photography

Arty Party are an arts organisation which supports and empowers learning disabled adults to explore, express and celebrate their creativity through art, crafts, acting, dancing, music and more.

In 2023/4, we worked in partnership with Arty Party with funding from Arts Council England and Pavers Foundation to produce three Blue Cat Cabaret shows of live theatre, dance, physical comedy and music performed by members of Arty Party and special guests.

Blue Cat Cabaret took Arty Party across Telford and Shrewsbury, performing to live audiences at The Buttermarket, Casey's, and The Anstice.

The Blue Cat Cabaret shows gave Arty Members members the opportunity to;

  • Practice their hosting skills
  • Engage with in-person audiences
  • Perform in a live band (Arty Party Blue Cat Band)
  • Be part of a live show production
  • Showcase their talents
  • Have fun doing something they love!


If you'd like to learn more about Arty Party, visit their website:

An Arty Party member is reading into a microphone on stage
Blue Cat Cabaret | by Janthra Photography