Curiosity Club: Family Day

Family Day NL (1)

Come along for fun packed activities for the whole family this August bank holiday!



  • The Sleeping Seeds family music theatre show by Fox & Rocha
  • Roller skate dancing taster workshops with Skate Buddies
  • Crafts activities with the Curiosity Club team


Lunch provided for everyone attending (dietary requirements catered for with at least 48 hours notice)


Free places available for children who receive benefits related free school meals (this event is part of Wolverhampton Council's Holiday Activities and Food Programme).

Limited number of additional 'pay what you can' places available (all pay what you can donations will go towards the cost of food and craft materials for the event).

All children must be accompanied by an adult.


Book in for the morning or the afternoon: 10.30am - 1.30pm or 1.00pm - 4pm


The Sleeping Seeds is an interactive music theatre show for children and families, exploring what we grow, where we grow and how we grow.  The Sleeping Seeds are a pair of musical gardeners who have a very special seed asleep in their seed bed. Join them as they nurture and encourage this little seed to mature and make its mark in the world. 

Expect catchy songs, unusual instruments and fun joining in. Rake & Roll!! 

This is a relaxed outdoor performance for all ages and includes British Sign Language interpretation.

The Sleeping Seeds is created by Fox & Rocha, produced by Curiosity Productions in partnership with Black Country Touring with support from Arts Council England. 


Skate Buddies will be providing free roller skating taster workshops for kids and adults to take part in together. Their mission is to get the nation skating - helping children, young people, adults and families to improve their mental, physical, and emotional health.


Curiosity Club will be providing fun crafts activities for your family to create together, linking to the themes in The Sleeping Seeds about gardening, fruit n' veg and busy bees!


Please note as The Sleeping Seeds show and the Skate Buddies workshops will be outside please bring suitable weather protection (raincoats and umbrellas, or sun hats and sun cream!) If the weather is really bad we will move the show indoors and the event will go ahead as planned.


There will also be a family sports day taking place in Heath Park next to the hall 12.30pm - 6pm, so you could make it a whole day out for the family and attend both events!

Curiosity Club Family Day Flyer